Private Equity News UK - Maven Equity Finance swoops £1m into Nivo Solutions

Maven Finance swoops £1m into Nivo Solutions

Maven Finance, a leading financial technology company, has invested £1m into Nivo Solutions, a leading provider of digital communication solutions.

Private Equity News UK - Maven Equity Finance swoops £1m into Nivo Solutions

The investment will help Nivo to expand its customer base and continue to develop its innovative digital solutions. This is a testament to the company’s strong growth trajectory, and the financial technology sector as a whole looks forward to the future of Nivo Solutions. Congratulations to the team on this success!

Maven Equity Finance, a leading tech investment firm, has announced the investment of £1 million into Nivo Solutions, a leading provider of technology-based services to the banking and financial industries. The company has a strong track record of success in the financial sector, and the investment will be used to accelerate the company’s growth plans and to expand its customer base. Michael Pritchard, CEO of Maven Equity Finance, commented on the investment, saying “Nivo Solutions is a well-established player in the financial technology space and we are excited to invest in this innovative company. We believe that the company’s technology solutions will play a key role in the future development of the financial sector.”

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Nivo necks £1m investment

Maven Equity Finance has invested £1m into London-based AI company, Nivo Solutions. The investment will be used to accelerate the growth of Nivo’s core products, including its flagship chatbot engine and marketing automation toolkit. CEO Jeremy Goh said: “We are excited about this partnership as it further strengthens our position as one of the leading providers of AI solutions for the digital marketer.” Nivo plans to use the funding to expand its team and scale up operations across Europe and Asia Pacific regions. This investment comes at a crucial time for the company, as it continues to grow rapidly and meet the needs of today’s digital marketers.

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