Circularity Stops Circling ACS Clothing And Invests £10m 1

Circularity Stops Circling ACS Clothing And Invests £10m

Circularity Capital has announced that it has invested £10 million in UK-based clothing company, ACS Clothing. The clothing company is a leading player in the fast-growing and lucrative niche of lifestyle fashion, and the investment will be used to support growth and expansion initiatives.

Private Equity News

ACS Clothing, a leading global supplier of clothing and footwear to the fashion industry, has secured a £10m growth equity private equity investment from Circularity Capital. Founded in 2003 and headquartered in London, UK, ACS Clothing has a strong track record of growth and expansion, and is currently present in over 45 countries. This new investment will be used to support the company’s growth strategy and future expansion plans.

Private Equity News UK - Circularity Capital invests £10m in ACS Clothing

Private Equity News UK – Circularity Capital invests £10m in ACS Clothing

Private equity firm Circularity Capital has invested £10m in the British clothing company ACS Clothing. This follows previous investments in companies like Harry’s Soap, Wretch32, and Moonlight Meats. ACS Clothing is a leading designer of men’s and women’s fashion garments and accessories for businesses of all sizes, and the investment will be used to expand the business into new markets, support product development, and grow its online presence. The private equity firm is dedicated to growth equity private equity and invests in businesses that it believes have the potential to become leading players in their respective markets.

The London-based company designs and supplies fashion garments and accessories to businesses of all sizes, and the new cash will be used to grow the business in new markets, invest in product development, and strengthen online presence. Focused on growth equity private equites, Circularity capital sees potential for ACS Clothing to take its brand of lifestyle fashion internationally. ACS Clothing is dedicated to circular fashion and sustainable practices

Circularity capital sees potential for ACS Clothing to take its brand of lifestyle fashion internationally.

Andrew Rough, Chief Executive Officer of ACS, said: “I am delighted to partner with Circularity Capital, this strategic partnership recognises our objective of creating one of Europe’s largest circular fashion solutions providers specialising in clothing rental, subscription and resale.

“Circularity has a proven track record in playing a proactive role in supporting the growth of circular businesses. Offering so much more than just finance, the organisation will prove pivotal in delivering our goal of helping more fashion businesses to embrace rental, subscription and resale models.”

Andrew Shannon, founding partner at Circularity Capital, added: “The average European throws away 11kg of textiles every year, and around the world a truckload of textiles is landfilled or incinerated every second. ACS provides the capabilities and processes to enable retailers to scale their rental, subscription and resale ambitions with ease, transforming the industry from a traditional take-make-dispose model to one of reuse and resale.”

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