generative hotel scent

Do You Really Want To Smell Like The Hotel You Last Stayed In?

Hot Trend – do you want to smell like the hotel you last stayed in?

Do You Really Want To Smell Like The Hotel You Last Stayed In? 1

In the past, hotels were just places to stay. But now, they’re becoming more like brands. And just like any other brand, hotels are looking for ways to extend their reach and keep their customers coming back.

One way that you more upmarket hotels are doing this is by selling their own scents and perfumes. These scents are designed to evoke the feeling of being at the hotel, even when guests are back home.

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For example, the Ritz-Carlton has a line of signature fragrances that are inspired by its hotels around the world. The scents are designed to make guests feel relaxed, luxurious, and inspired.

Don’t believe us? It’s trending on google….

Do You Really Want To Smell Like The Hotel You Last Stayed In? 3

The St. Regis also has a line of signature fragrances. These scents are inspired by the hotel’s iconic lobby and its signature “St. Regis Red” color.

These are just two examples of hotels that are selling their own scents and perfumes. As the hospitality industry becomes more competitive, hotels are looking for new ways to differentiate themselves and keep their customers coming back…and it’s also just a great way to ass a bit of lushness to the guest experience in general.

Here are some of the benefits of hotels selling their own scents and perfumes:

  • Increased brand awareness: When guests wear a hotel’s scent, they’re essentially walking billboards for the hotel. This can help to increase brand awareness and attract new customers.
  • Increased customer loyalty: Guests who love the smell of a hotel are more likely to stay at that hotel again in the future. This can help to increase customer loyalty and boost profits.
  • New revenue stream: Selling scents and perfumes can be a new source of revenue for hotels. This can help to offset the rising costs of operating a hotel.

We can’t think of a company specialising in hotel scents right now as virtually all will be licensed out and with the brand owned by the underlined hospitality group but if you’re a hotel owner or manager, you should consider selling your own scents and perfumes and it’s is a great way to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, and revenue.

And you can smell like your work too, which is always an added plus…

Credit(s): Sasha Kaunas, Graphic: Glimpse

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