Private Equity News Ireland

Overview of The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) is the representative organization for venture capital and private equity firms in Ireland.

Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association: Overview and Insights

The IVCA is committed to promoting the development of the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland, and to supporting its members in their investment activities.

The IVCA provides a range of services to its members, including networking opportunities, research and analysis, and advocacy on policy issues.

Private Equity News Ireland

The IVCA plays a key role in Ireland’s economy, providing vital funding and support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs. The IVCA’s members invest in a wide range of sectors, including technology, healthcare, and energy, and have a strong track record of supporting innovative and high-growth companies. The IVCA also works closely with government and other stakeholders to promote policies that support the growth of the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland.

Key Takeaways

  • The IVCA is the representative organization for venture capital and private equity firms in Ireland, and is committed to promoting the development of the industry in Ireland.
  • The IVCA plays a key role in Ireland’s economy, providing vital funding and support to SMEs and entrepreneurs.
  • The IVCA works closely with government and other stakeholders to promote policies that support the growth of the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland.

Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association Overview

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) is the representative organization for venture capital and private equity firms in Ireland. The association aims to promote the development of the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland by providing a forum for its members to discuss issues relating to the industry, lobbying on behalf of its members, and promoting the industry to institutional investors.

The IVCA represents over 40 members, including venture capital firms, private equity firms, and corporate finance firms. Its members have invested over €5 billion in Irish SMEs in recent years. The association’s members are committed to professional standards and adhere to a code of conduct that promotes transparency and accountability.

The IVCA is also committed to promoting the development of the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland. It works closely with government agencies, including Enterprise Ireland, to promote Ireland as an attractive location for investment.

In addition to promoting the industry, the IVCA also provides a range of services to its members. These services include networking opportunities, industry research, and training and development programs.

Overall, the IVCA plays an important role in promoting the development of the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland. Its members are committed to professional standards and adhere to a code of conduct that promotes transparency and accountability. The IVCA works closely with government agencies to promote Ireland as an attractive location for investment and provides a range of services to its members to support their work in the industry.

Role of IVCA in Ireland’s Economy

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) is a representative organization for venture capital and private equity firms in Ireland. IVCA members help entrepreneurs to start up, expand, and develop businesses mainly in the high technology sector of the economy. The IVCA plays a crucial role in Ireland’s economy by promoting the growth and development of indigenous companies.

IVCA-backed companies have contributed significantly to Ireland’s economy, creating high-value jobs and driving innovation. The IVCA’s focus on the high technology sector has helped to position Ireland as a hub for innovation and technology.

IVCA’s efforts to increase the resilience and sustainability of the indigenous economy have been commendable. The organization has been instrumental in helping Irish SMEs to access venture capital and private equity funding. The IVCA-backed companies have created over 5,000 high-calibre jobs since 2016, and employment numbers have increased by 27% per annum since then.

The IVCA’s Pre-Budget Submission 2024 highlights the importance of increasing the resilience and sustainability of the indigenous economy. The organization has proposed measures to support the growth potential of Irish SMEs, such as increasing the R&D tax credit, improving access to finance for early-stage companies, and incentivizing investment in high-growth potential companies.

In summary, the IVCA plays a vital role in Ireland’s economy by promoting the growth and development of indigenous companies. Its focus on the high technology sector has helped to position Ireland as a hub for innovation and technology. The organization’s efforts to increase the resilience and sustainability of the indigenous economy are commendable, and its proposals to support the growth potential of Irish SMEs are noteworthy.

Investment Landscape in Ireland

Ireland has a thriving investment landscape, with venture capital and private equity firms investing over €5bn in Irish SMEs in recent years. The Irish Venture Capital Association (IVCA) is the representative body for venture capital and private equity firms on the island of Ireland. Its full members are venture capital and private equity firms that provide equity funding to growing unquoted companies.

Enterprise Ireland, the government organization responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises, has also played a significant role in the investment landscape. The organization has provided funding and support for Irish start-ups and SMEs, helping them to scale and grow.

The IVCA has reported that Irish tech companies raised a record venture capital funding of €392m in the second quarter of 2023. This is a testament to the growing number of innovative and forward-thinking companies in Ireland, as well as the increasing interest from investors.

Investors in Ireland are not limited to domestic firms. Through syndication, Irish venture capital and private equity firms have attracted a further €3bn in funding from international firms. This highlights the attractiveness of the Irish investment landscape to investors worldwide.

In recent years, there has also been an increase in seed funding and the general size of investment deals in Ireland. This is a positive development for Irish start-ups and SMEs, as it provides them with the necessary capital to grow and scale their businesses.

Overall, the investment landscape in Ireland is vibrant and growing. With the support of organizations like the IVCA and Enterprise Ireland, Irish start-ups and SMEs have access to the necessary funding and support to succeed. Investors, both domestic and international, are recognizing the potential of the Irish market and are investing accordingly.

Key Players and Stakeholders

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) is the representative body for venture capital and private equity firms on the island of Ireland. The organization is composed of a diverse group of individuals and companies who are involved in the venture capital and private equity industry. Some of the key players and stakeholders in the IVCA include:

Denise Sidhu

Denise Sidhu is the chair of the IVCA and is also a partner at Atlantic Bridge, a global technology fund. She is a well-respected figure in the venture capital industry and has been instrumental in driving growth and innovation in the sector. Sidhu is a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusion in the industry and has been involved in a number of initiatives aimed at promoting these values.

Sarah-Jane Larkin

Sarah-Jane Larkin is the Director General of the IVCA and is responsible for overseeing the organization’s operations and strategy. Larkin has extensive experience in the financial services sector and has been involved in a number of initiatives aimed at promoting the growth of the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland.

Kernel Capital

Kernel Capital is a venture capital firm that is a member of the IVCA. The firm focuses on investing in early-stage technology companies and has been involved in a number of successful investments in recent years. Kernel Capital is also involved in a number of initiatives aimed at promoting the growth of the venture capital industry in Ireland.


B-Secur is a Northern Irish technology company that has received investment from a number of IVCA members, including Kernel Capital. The company specializes in biometric technology and has developed a unique solution for monitoring heartbeats. B-Secur has been recognized as one of the most innovative companies in the UK and has received a number of awards for its technology.

Nova Leah

Nova Leah is an Irish cybersecurity company that has received investment from a number of IVCA members, including Investec Ventures. The company specializes in developing solutions for the medical device industry and has been recognized for its innovative approach to cybersecurity. Nova Leah has been involved in a number of initiatives aimed at promoting the growth of the cybersecurity industry in Ireland.

Investec Ventures

Investec Ventures is a venture capital firm that is a member of the IVCA. The firm focuses on investing in early-stage technology companies and has been involved in a number of successful investments in recent years. Investec Ventures is also involved in a number of initiatives aimed at promoting the growth of the venture capital industry in Ireland.


Davra is an Irish IoT company that has received investment from a number of IVCA members, including Atlantic Bridge. The company specializes in developing solutions for the industrial IoT market and has been recognized for its innovative approach to IoT. Davra has been involved in a number of initiatives aimed at promoting the growth of the IoT industry in Ireland.

Overall, the IVCA and its members are key players and stakeholders in the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland. The organization and its members are committed to promoting growth and innovation in the industry and are involved in a number of initiatives aimed at achieving this goal.

IVCA’s Influence on Policy Making

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) have been actively involved in policy-making in Ireland. Through their pre-budget submissions and budget submissions, they have been able to influence policy decisions that impact the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland.

The IVCA’s pre-budget submissions have been instrumental in advocating for policies that promote the growth of the indigenous economy. They have consistently called for measures that increase the resilience and sustainability of the Irish economy. For example, in their pre-budget submission for 2024, the IVCA called for the introduction of a new tax credit scheme for angel investors and a review of the Employment and Investment Incentive (EII) scheme to make it more attractive to investors.

The IVCA’s budget submissions have also been influential in shaping policy decisions. In their 2022 budget submission, they called for measures that would stimulate a stronger Irish equity culture. They proposed the introduction of a new equity crowdfunding scheme and the extension of the EII scheme to include investments in Irish SMEs that are not eligible for the scheme.

The IVCA has also engaged with policy-makers on issues such as Brexit and the European Union’s Capital Markets Union initiative. They have advocated for policies that ensure the continued access of Irish companies to the European market and promote the development of a single capital market in Europe.

Overall, the IVCA’s influence on policy-making in Ireland has been significant. They have been able to shape policy decisions that impact the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland and promote the growth of the indigenous economy. Their engagement with policy-makers on issues such as Brexit and the Capital Markets Union initiative has also been important in ensuring that the interests of Irish companies are represented at the European level.

Diversity and Inclusion in IVCA

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion within the venture capital and private equity industry. The IVCA recognizes that diversity and inclusion are critical to driving innovation, creating a positive work environment, and achieving business success.

To promote diversity and inclusion, the IVCA has taken several initiatives. For instance, the IVCA has signed the Diversity & Inclusion Charter of the Irish Funds Industry Association. The charter aims to promote diversity and inclusion in the Irish funds industry by encouraging firms to adopt best practices in this area. The IVCA also supports the Level 20 initiative, which aims to increase the number of women in senior positions in the private equity industry.

The IVCA has also taken steps to promote diversity and inclusion in its own organization. For instance, the IVCA has a diversity and inclusion policy that sets out its commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its operations. The policy aims to ensure that the IVCA is an inclusive organization that values diversity and treats everyone with respect and dignity.

In addition, the IVCA has established a Diversity and Inclusion Committee, which is responsible for developing and implementing initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion within the organization and the industry. The committee is also responsible for monitoring the IVCA’s progress in this area and reporting to the IVCA Board.

The IVCA recognizes that promoting diversity and inclusion is an ongoing process, and it is committed to continuously improving its efforts in this area. The IVCA believes that by promoting diversity and inclusion, it can help to create a more innovative, inclusive, and successful venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland.

IVCA’s Role in the Tech Sector

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) plays a significant role in supporting the growth of the tech sector in Ireland. The IVCA represents over 30 venture capital and private equity firms operating in Ireland, providing them with a platform to voice their opinions and engage with policymakers.

The IVCA has been instrumental in promoting the growth of the tech sector in Ireland. According to a report released by the IVCA, venture capital investment into Irish tech firms totaled €1.3 billion in 2022. This highlights the significant contribution that venture capital firms have made to the growth of the tech sector in Ireland.

The IVCA actively engages with policymakers to ensure that the regulatory environment in Ireland is conducive to the growth of the tech sector. The IVCA works closely with the government to identify areas where policy changes can be made to encourage investment in the tech sector. This includes advocating for tax incentives and other measures that can encourage investment in the tech sector.

The IVCA also plays a crucial role in promoting the growth of the tech sector by providing funding to start-ups and early-stage companies. The IVCA provides funding to companies across a range of sectors, including ICT and the tech sector. This funding can be instrumental in helping these companies to grow and expand their operations.

Overall, the IVCA plays a crucial role in promoting the growth of the tech sector in Ireland. Through its work with policymakers and its provision of funding to start-ups and early-stage companies, the IVCA is helping to create a vibrant and dynamic tech sector in Ireland.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in IVCA

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) recognizes the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations in the investment process. The association believes that integrating ESG factors into investment decisions can lead to better long-term financial outcomes for investors while contributing to a more sustainable and equitable society.

IVCA encourages its members to adopt ESG policies that align with international best practices and standards. The association provides guidance and resources to its members to help them understand and implement ESG considerations in their investment strategies.

IVCA members are expected to consider a range of ESG factors when evaluating investment opportunities. These factors include but are not limited to:

  • Environmental: Climate change, energy efficiency, pollution, waste management, and natural resource conservation.
  • Social: Labour standards, human rights, community relations, diversity and inclusion, and consumer protection.
  • Governance: Board structure, executive compensation, shareholder rights, and business ethics.

IVCA members are encouraged to engage with portfolio companies on ESG issues and to monitor their progress towards ESG goals. The association believes that active ownership and engagement can lead to better ESG outcomes and financial returns.

IVCA also recognizes the importance of transparency and reporting on ESG matters. The association encourages its members to disclose ESG information to their investors and stakeholders and to report on their progress towards ESG goals.

In summary, IVCA believes that ESG considerations are an essential part of responsible investing. The association encourages its members to integrate ESG factors into their investment decisions, engage with portfolio companies on ESG issues, and report on their progress towards ESG goals.

Support for SMEs and Entrepreneurs

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) is committed to supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs in Ireland. The IVCA recognizes the vital role that these businesses play in the Irish economy and has taken steps to provide them with the support they need to succeed.

One of the ways that the IVCA supports SMEs and entrepreneurs is by providing them with access to venture capital and private equity funding. In recent years, Irish venture capital and private equity firms have invested over €5 billion in Irish SMEs. This funding has helped these businesses to grow, create jobs, and contribute to the Irish economy.

The IVCA also provides a range of resources and support services to SMEs and entrepreneurs. These include networking opportunities, mentoring, and training programmes. These resources and services are designed to help SMEs and entrepreneurs to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their businesses.

In addition to these resources and services, the IVCA also advocates for policies that support SMEs and entrepreneurs. The IVCA works with policymakers to ensure that the regulatory environment is conducive to the growth and success of SMEs and entrepreneurs. This includes advocating for tax policies that support entrepreneurship and promoting initiatives that encourage innovation and research and development.

Overall, the IVCA is committed to supporting SMEs and entrepreneurs in Ireland. Through its funding, resources, and advocacy efforts, the IVCA is helping to create a vibrant and thriving ecosystem for small businesses and entrepreneurs in Ireland.

Funding Rounds and Investment Strategies

The Irish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (IVCA) represents the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland. The association has been actively involved in the development of the Irish venture capital and private equity industry since 1985.

IVCA members invest in a wide range of sectors, including technology, life sciences, and energy. The association provides a platform for its members to network and share knowledge and experience.

In terms of funding rounds, IVCA members invest across all stages of a company’s development, from seed funding to growth capital. The association’s VenturePulse survey, published in association with William Fry, shows that venture capital investment into Irish tech start-ups and SMEs reached a record €1.3 billion in 2021, up 44% from €925m the previous year. The momentum is reflected also in a record fourth quarter as funding more than trebles to €458m.

IVCA members are known for their active involvement in the companies they invest in. They typically take a board seat and work closely with the management team to help the company grow and succeed.

The investment strategies of IVCA members vary, but they typically look for companies with a strong management team, a clear market opportunity, and a scalable business model. They also look for companies with a competitive advantage, such as proprietary technology or intellectual property.

IVCA members are also active in supporting the development of the Irish venture capital and private equity industry. The association works closely with government agencies, such as Enterprise Ireland and the Irish Strategic Investment Fund, to promote the industry and attract investment to Ireland.

Overall, the IVCA is a key player in the Irish venture capital and private equity industry. Its members invest across a wide range of sectors and stages of development, and are known for their active involvement in the companies they invest in.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between venture capital and private equity firms?

Venture capital firms typically invest in early-stage startups and provide funding to help them grow and reach their potential. Private equity firms, on the other hand, invest in more mature companies and often take a more hands-on approach to management. While there is some overlap between the two, venture capital firms tend to focus on high-growth, high-risk investments, while private equity firms focus on established companies with a proven track record.

What is the IVCA Venture Pulse report?

The IVCA Venture Pulse report is a quarterly report published by the Irish Venture Capital Association, which provides an overview of the venture capital and private equity industry in Ireland. The report includes information on fundraising, investment activity, and exits, as well as insights into trends and developments in the industry.

How does one become a member of IVCA?

To become a member of the Irish Venture Capital Association, a firm must be a venture capital or private equity firm that provides equity funding to growing unquoted companies. The firm must also agree to abide by the IVCA’s code of conduct and pay an annual membership fee.

What is Enterprise Ireland’s role in Irish venture capital?

Enterprise Ireland is the Irish government agency responsible for supporting the development of Irish businesses. As part of this mandate, Enterprise Ireland provides funding and support to venture capital and private equity firms that invest in Irish companies. The agency also works closely with the IVCA to promote the Irish venture capital and private equity industry both domestically and internationally.

Who are some notable private equity firms in Ireland?

There are a number of private equity firms operating in Ireland, including Carlyle Cardinal Ireland, MML Growth Capital Partners, and Causeway Capital Partners. These firms have invested in a wide range of Irish companies across various sectors, including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods.

What is the IVCA Council and what do they do?

The IVCA Council is the governing body of the Irish Venture Capital Association. It is made up of representatives from member firms and is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the IVCA, as well as overseeing its operations and activities.

The Council also works closely with other industry bodies and stakeholders to promote the interests of the Irish venture capital and private equity industry.

Private Equity News Ireland

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