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HG Capital: Investing in Tech and Services

HG Capital is a private equity firm that invests in technology and services sectors primarily in Europe and the US. However, if you think that HG stands for “Home and Garden” or “Hunger Games,” you’re in for a surprise.

The firm was founded in 1990 and has since then been committed to building businesses that change the way we all do business, through deep sector specialisation and dedicated operational support.

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HG is a leading software and services investor, focused on building enduring businesses and backing businesses that change how we all do business.

So, if you’re looking for a private equity firm that invests in financial services, healthcare, information technology, and software industries, HG Capital is the right choice.

The London-based firm has a team of over 100 professionals with extensive experience in private equity, operations, and strategy.

HG Capital: An Overview

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HG Capital is a private equity firm that specializes in investing in software and service companies. Founded in 1985, the firm is headquartered in London with additional offices in Germany and the United States. With an AUM of $55B, HG Capital is committed to building businesses that change the way we all do business.

HG Capital has a deep sector specialization and dedicated operational support, which is evident in the firm’s investment strategy. The firm targets technology buyouts primarily in Europe and the US, with a focus on investments in technology and services sectors.

The firm has made 82 investments and has 2 exits to its name. HG Capital has a diverse investment portfolio, with investments in the financial services, healthcare, information technology, and software industries.

HG Capital has a reputation for being a tech-oriented private equity firm that invests in promising companies with the potential for growth. The firm’s investment philosophy is centered around partnering with management teams to help them achieve their goals and create value for all stakeholders.

Overall, HG Capital is a well-respected private equity firm that has a strong track record of success. With its focus on technology and services sectors, the firm is well-positioned to continue to invest in promising companies and help them grow and succeed.

Investment Strategy and Focus

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HG Capital has a well-defined investment strategy that focuses on long-term growth and maximising organic expansion. The firm has a proven track record of working with software and services businesses to implement initiatives that support their investment theses.

Targeting North America

HG Capital’s investment strategy is not limited to any specific geography. However, the firm has been known to target North America for its investments.

This is because the region offers a vast market size and a highly competitive business environment. HG Capital has a team of experts who have a deep understanding of the North American market and its business landscape.

They use this knowledge to identify and invest in businesses that have the potential to grow and succeed in the region.

Private Equity UK

Private Equity London

Software and Services Companies

HG Capital’s investment focus is on software and services companies.

This is because the firm believes that these businesses have the potential to deliver high returns on investment. HG Capital’s investment strategy is to identify software and services businesses that have a strong market position, a proven track record of growth, and a clear path to future expansion. The firm invests in these businesses with the aim of maximising their potential and helping them achieve long-term growth.

HG Capital’s investment strategy is based on a sector-focused approach that leverages the firm’s deep sector expertise and established toolkits. The firm has large sector teams operating across Europe, which allows it to identify new investment themes through its annual business planning process. HG Capital’s consistent toolkits, such as the 4Ps, are used to identify and evaluate potential investments.

In summary, HG Capital’s investment strategy is focused on long-term growth, leveraging its expertise in working with software and services businesses. The firm targets North America for its investments and has a strong focus on software and services companies. HG Capital’s investment strategy is based on a sector-focused approach that allows it to identify new investment themes and evaluate potential investments using its established toolkits.

Financial Services and Healthcare

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HG Capital is a private equity firm that invests in various industries, including financial services and healthcare. Financial services are an essential part of any economy, and HG Capital recognizes this by investing in companies that provide financial services to consumers and businesses.

One of the financial services companies that HG Capital has invested in is FINEOS, a software company that provides claims management solutions for the life, accident, and health insurance industry. HG Capital recognized the potential of FINEOS and invested in the company in 2016. FINEOS has since gone on to become a leading provider of claims management solutions for the life, accident, and health insurance industry.

In the healthcare industry, HG Capital has invested in companies that provide innovative solutions to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. One such company is Medifox, a software company that provides solutions for patient management and billing for long-term care facilities. HG Capital recognized the potential of Medifox and invested in the company in 2019. Medifox has since gone on to become a leading provider of patient management and billing solutions for long-term care facilities.

Overall, HG Capital’s investments in financial services and healthcare demonstrate the firm’s commitment to investing in companies that provide innovative solutions to improve people’s lives.

Education and Software Business

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When it comes to investing in education and software businesses, HG Capital is not playing any schoolyard games. They are a serious player in this space, with a proven track record of supporting businesses that change the way we all do business.

Through deep sector specialisation and dedicated operational support, HG Capital accelerates the progress of proven software and services businesses. They provide access to an aspirational network of talent and knowledge, helping businesses to grow and thrive.

One of the education software and services firms that HG Capital has invested in is Juniper Education. With a £20 million equity commitment from the Horizon 2018 fund, HG Capital is backing this firm to make a real difference in the education sector.

But HG Capital doesn’t just invest in education businesses. They also invest in software businesses across the technology, services, and industrial technology space, primarily in Europe. With a sector expert approach, they are committed to helping build ambitious businesses and supporting them every step of the way.

In 2018, The Access Group, a leading provider of fully integrated business management software to UK mid-market organisations, announced a strategic investment from HG Capital. This investment valued the business at an enterprise value of approximately £1 billion, highlighting the confidence that HG Capital has in the software business space.

Overall, HG Capital’s investment in education and software businesses shows that they are serious about supporting businesses that have the potential to change the world. With deep sector specialisation and dedicated operational support, they are helping businesses to grow and thrive, and making a real difference in the world of business.

Funds and Investments

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When it comes to funds and investments, HG Capital is no slouch. With a core fund of £2.5 billion and a Mercury fund of £575 million, HG Capital is well-positioned to make some serious investments. And that’s exactly what they’ve done.

Since its inception, HG Capital has made over 130 investments across a range of sectors, including financial services, healthcare, information technology, and software. And they don’t just invest in any old company. HG Capital is committed to finding businesses that are truly special, with a focus on companies that are changing the way we all do business.

Some of HG Capital’s most notable investments include Mitratech, a provider of enterprise legal and risk management solutions, and Visma, a provider of business software and services. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. HG Capital has also invested in companies like Eucon, a provider of logistics software, and Ullink, a provider of electronic trading solutions.

But HG Capital isn’t just about investing in companies. They’re also committed to supporting the growth and development of the businesses they invest in. That’s why they provide dedicated operational support to help companies achieve their full potential. And it’s not just lip service – HG Capital has a team of over 100 professionals who are dedicated to helping their portfolio companies succeed.

So if you’re looking for a private equity firm that knows how to invest in the right companies and support them every step of the way, look no further than HG Capital.

Data Analysis and Insights

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HG Capital is a private equity firm that uses data-driven insights to identify and prioritize their best prospects. They provide businesses with the actionable insights required to make informed decisions and accelerate growth.

HG Insights, one of HG Capital’s solutions, offers a powerful data analysis tool that helps businesses create a bottom-up Total Addressable Market (TAM) analysis to vet and justify their target’s valuation. With HG Insights, businesses can identify accounts with the right technology install data and gain a competitive edge in the private equity and venture capital market.

The firm’s use of data analysis and insights has helped them to build businesses that change the way we all do business. By deepening their sector specialisation and providing dedicated operational support, HG Capital has been able to make informed decisions that lead to growth and success.

HG Capital’s commitment to data analysis and insights is further exemplified by their participation in the private equity industry’s first-ever ESG Data Convergence Project. They are dedicated to building businesses that are not only profitable but also sustainable and socially responsible.

In conclusion, HG Capital’s use of data analysis and insights has been crucial to their success in the private equity and venture capital market. By providing businesses with the tools they need to make informed decisions and prioritise their best prospects, the firm has been able to accelerate growth and build businesses that are changing the way we all do business.

Operational Support and Technology

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When it comes to building businesses that change the way we all do business, HG Capital takes a unique approach. The private equity firm is committed to deep sector specialisation and dedicated operational support. This means that they are not just investing money, but also providing hands-on support to help companies grow and thrive.

One of the ways that HG Capital provides operational support is through technology. They understand that technology is at the heart of many businesses, and they have a team of experts who can help companies leverage technology to improve their operations. This could include anything from implementing new software systems to developing custom applications.

But it’s not just about the technology itself. HG Capital also provides support for the people who use the technology. They offer training and development programmes to help employees get the most out of the technology, and they work closely with management teams to ensure that the technology is aligned with the company’s overall strategy.

In addition to technology, HG Capital provides operational support in a range of other areas. This could include anything from financial management to marketing and sales. They have a team of experts in each of these areas who can help companies identify opportunities for growth and develop strategies to capitalise on them.

Overall, HG Capital takes a holistic approach to operational support. They understand that every business is unique, and they work closely with management teams to develop tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. Whether it’s technology or any other area of the business, HG Capital is committed to helping companies succeed.

Offices and Contact Information

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HG Capital is a private equity firm with a global presence. The company has offices in London, Munich, San Francisco, and New York. If you want to get in touch with them, here’s what you need to know:

London Office

HG Capital’s London office is located in the heart of the city, on Hanover Square. The office is home to the firm’s investment team and operational support staff. If you’re in the neighbourhood, feel free to drop by and say hello. Just don’t forget to bring some biscuits for the team.

New York Office

HG Capital’s New York office is located in the bustling Midtown Manhattan. The office is home to the firm’s North American investment team. If you’re in the area, why not swing by and grab a coffee with the team? They’re always on the lookout for new investment opportunities and potential partners.

Contact Information

If you want to get in touch with HG Capital, you can reach them through their website at www.hgcapital.com. Alternatively, you can contact them by phone or email using the following details:

Whether you’re an investor, entrepreneur, or just someone who’s interested in the world of private equity, HG Capital is always happy to hear from you. So why not drop them a line and see where the conversation takes you? Who knows, it could be the start of a beautiful partnership.

Key Personnel

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HG Capital has a team of experienced and dedicated professionals who are committed to building successful businesses. In this section, we will take a look at two of the key personnel in the company.

Alan Cline

Alan Cline is a Partner at HG Capital and has been with the company since 2007. He has over 20 years of experience in private equity and has worked with a number of successful companies during his career. Alan is known for his ability to identify and develop investment opportunities, and his expertise in the technology and software sectors.

Alan is a graduate of the University of Cambridge, where he studied economics. He began his career in finance at Goldman Sachs, where he worked in the mergers and acquisitions department. He later joined Apax Partners, where he worked as a Partner for several years.

Genesis 10

Genesis 10 is the CEO of HG Capital and has been with the company since 2000. He has over 30 years of experience in private equity and has worked with a number of successful companies during his career. Genesis is known for his ability to identify and develop investment opportunities, and his expertise in the healthcare and financial services sectors.

Genesis is a graduate of the University of Oxford, where he studied economics. He began his career in finance at JP Morgan, where he worked in the investment banking department. He later joined Advent International, where he worked as a Partner for several years.

Both Alan and Genesis are highly respected in the private equity industry and are known for their ability to identify and develop successful investment opportunities. They are committed to building successful businesses and are dedicated to ensuring that HG Capital continues to be a leader in the industry.

Account and Limited Access

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Are you tired of sharing your financial information with just anyone? Do you wish you had more control over who has access to your account? Look no further than HG Capital!

With a personal account at HG Capital, you can rest assured that your financial information is safe and secure. Only authorized personnel have access to your account, and they take security seriously. So seriously, in fact, that they won’t even let their own mothers in without proper identification.

But what if you want to share your account with someone else? No problem! HG Capital offers limited access accounts, so you can give your business partner or spouse access to only the information they need. It’s like giving them a key to your house, but only to the room with the snacks.

And if you ever need to revoke someone’s access, it’s as easy as changing the locks. Just kidding, it’s even easier than that. Simply contact HG Capital and they’ll take care of it for you. No need to hire a locksmith or change all your passwords.

So why settle for a bank that treats you like just another number? Switch to HG Capital and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your financial information is in good hands.

Other Information

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Well, well, well, what do we have here? Some juicy tidbits about HG Capital, you say? Don’t mind if we do!

Firstly, did you know that HG Capital has a thing for technology? Yup, they’re all about investing in technology and services sectors, with a focus on smaller technology buyouts. So if you’re a tech startup looking for some funding, you might want to give these guys a call.

But it’s not all work and no play for HG Capital. They also like to give back to the community, with a particular focus on education and social mobility. In fact, they’ve partnered with a number of charities and organizations to help support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Aww, how sweet!

Now, we know what you’re thinking. “But what about the money, honey?” Well, according to our sources, HG Capital has raised a whopping £2.5 billion for their core fund and £575 million for their Mercury fund. That’s a lot of dough! And they’re not stopping there – they’re reportedly targeting roughly $14.75 billion for two new buyout funds. Looks like they’re in it for the long haul.

But wait, there’s more! HG Capital has also been making headlines for their recent investments. They’ve acquired a number of companies in the financial services, healthcare, information technology, and software industries. Some notable acquisitions include Zenith Technologies, a life sciences manufacturing technology provider, and Combell Group, a European web hosting company. Looks like they’re keeping busy!

So there you have it, folks. Some fun and interesting facts about HG Capital. Who knew private equity could be so entertaining?

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