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Trill Impact

Trill Impact Impact Fund: Driving Sustainable Change Through Investment

Trill Impact is a significant player in the realm of impact investing, focusing its efforts on generating real returns with lasting impact. Invested in the future of business and society,

Trill Impact uses the principles of responsible investment to drive positive change. With a strategy that involves taking stewardship over the mid-market companies it invests in, Trill Impact harnesses the power of private equity markets to influence societal outcomes in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

The ethos that underpins the firm’s approach is rooted in sustainable and ethical considerations. Investors are increasingly seeking to allocate capital in ways that yield financial returns whilst also contributing to environmental and social objectives.

Trill Impact caters to this demand, offering an avenue for investments that align with investors’ values and the broader objectives of a sustainable future.

Leveraging extensive industry expertise and governance structures, Trill Impact aims to ensure that each investment has a positive and measurable social or environmental impact.

Key Takeaways

  • Trill Impact aligns economic returns with positive societal impact through meticulous investment strategies.
  • Ethical and sustainable considerations are central to the firm’s investment philosophy, responding to the demands of modern investors.
  • The governance and expertise behind Trill Impact ensure measurable impact alongside financial performance in their investments.

Trill Impact’s Strategy and Mission

Trill Impact is dedicated to pursuing financial gains while fostering substantial societal benefits. With a stringent focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, the fund aims to generate measurable impact alongside financial returns, establishing a resilient foundation for the future.

Driving Continuous Growth

Trill Impact is committed to the expansion of its operations within Europe, particularly focusing on private equity markets in Northern Europe. They intend to build on the inaugural success of their Impact Mid-Market Buyout Fund.

Fund Management and ESG Integration

The integration of ESG expertise into fund management is a cornerstone of Trill Impact’s strategy. This approach facilitates responsible investment and seeks to deliver returns with accountability across all ventures.

Investment Focus

Investments are carefully selected for their impact potential, as well as their ability to contribute to a diverse portfolio that aligns with Trill Impact’s vision for positive change and future growth.

The Importance of Responsible Investment

In a world still readjusting after the global pandemic, Trill Impact underscores the importance of responsible investment that aims to transform management teams, society, and environmental challenges.

Partnerships and Relations

Cultivating strong partnerships, such as working closely with the environmental services group Campbell Lutyens & Co. and Acalyx Advisors Inc., is essential for fostering investor relations and aligning with the Limited Partners’ Advisory Committee for strategic guidance.

Impact and Value Creation

Value creation extends beyond financial returns; Trill Impact’s Impact Champion Program actively involves its portfolio companies’ boards in pursuing meaningful societal change.

Goals for Positive Societal Influence

With objectives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Trill Impact ardently pursues goals that have a lasting impact on society, fuelled by the leadership of Jan Ståhlberg, the Managing Partner.

Fostering Long Term Growth

The fund’s strategy is structured to promote long-term growth for its investors, focusing on the expansion of their activities to new markets, including South America and the broader global financial sector.

Building a Diverse Portfolio

A multifaceted portfolio enriched with varied investments ranging from microfinance to venture capital is an essential aspect of Trill Impact’s strategic approach to safeguard against market volatility.

Achieving Real Returns

Generating real returns remains a pivotal goal. Their commitment is towards not just financial services growth but also making substantial contributions to societal enrichment.

Establishing Investor Confidence

Investor confidence is cultivated through transparent strategies and a clear vision, with Trill Impact’s managing teams providing the foundation for potent and trustworthy partnerships.

Operational Transformation

Structural changes within investment firms and management teams are targeted to ensure an operational transformation that aligns with evolving societal and environmental benchmarks.

Vision and Expansion

Trill Impact looks towards the future with a clear vision, aiming to broaden its footprint in Europe and beyond, to reinforce its position as a leader in the realm of impact investing.

Partnership Expansion

The expansion of partnerships is intrinsic to Trill Impact’s formula for success. Association with significant institutional investors like Nordea Life & Pensions demonstrates reliability and the promise of mutual growth.

Outreach in Global Markets

They have marked their presence through proactive outreach in global markets, offering insight into vital shifts and contributing to a global financial system that’s more equitable and sustainable.

Impact Mid-Market Buyout Fund Insights

Insights from their Impact Mid-Market Buyout Fund point to a successful capital raise and reveal a potential trend for similar future impact-focused funds in both established and emerging markets.

Exploring Future Trends & Analyses

Trill Impact stays at the forefront of the industry by constantly analysing data and exploring future trends to inform their strategies and ensure they meet the informational purposes of their stakeholders and the wider community.

Leadership and Governance

Trill Impact is steered by an experienced leadership team with a clear vision for governance and strategic investment. The organisation’s governance structure is crafted to ensure diligent oversight and to embolden the management teams of portfolio companies, while maintaining a collaborative relationship with Limited Partners.

Key Executive Profiles

Jan Ståhlberg, the Founder and Managing Partner of Trill Impact, brings a wealth of experience in private equity and a strong commitment to impact investing. His leadership is central to Trill Impact’s mission of combining financial returns with positive social and environmental change.

Nils Bolmstrand, another pivotal figure in Trill Impact’s leadership, oversees the strategic direction as the CEO. His extensive background in investment management fortifies the firm’s approach to impactful and responsible investments.

Strengthening Management Teams

Trill Impact focuses on strengthening management teams within its portfolio companies. Emphasising diversity, the firm leverages the varied expertise of its leaders to drive strategic decisions and sustainable growth. Johanna Levander, as Managing Partner, plays an instrumental role in developing these teams, ensuring alignment with Trill Impact’s investment ethos.

Role of Limited Partners

The Limited Partners of Trill Impact are integral to governance, providing not only capital but also strategic support for the firm’s investments. These partners contribute to the oversight of Trill Impact’s activities, ensuring that the fund’s operations align with the overarching goal of delivering financial performance alongside meaningful impact.

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