Ascension impact fund 1

Ascension impact fund

Ascension Impact Fund: Catalysing Social Change Through Strategic Investment

With a focus on fostering positive social and environmental change alongside financial returns, the Ascension Impact Fund has emerged as a pioneering force in the world of ethical investment.

It operates with the objective of backing startups and innovations that have the potential to address societal challenges, thereby turning the act of investment into a dual-purpose endeavour.

The approach is designed to align investor interests with broader, impact-driven goals, making it an emblematic example of how finance can be leveraged for the greater good.

The fund selects ventures that demonstrate a clear commitment to creating measurable impact, typically in the areas of technology, health, education, and sustainable energy.

This deliberate selection process ensures that investments not only drive financial growth but also contribute to building more resilient and equitable societies.

By understanding the intricate balance between risk, return, and impact, the Ascension Impact Fund positions itself as a leader in the niche yet growing area of impact investment.

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Key Takeaways

  • The Ascension Impact Fund integrates financial objectives with social and environmental impact.
  • It invests in sectors like technology and sustainable energy to foster societal resilience.
  • The fund’s impact-focused investment approach is grounded in a careful balance of risk and return.

Origins of the Ascension Impact Fund

The Ascension Impact Fund was established to support early-stage ventures with a focus on positive social and environmental impacts. It has quickly risen to prominence within the United Kingdom’s seed investment landscape.

Foundation and Philosophy

The Fund’s ethos centres around leveraging the power of investment to instigate tangible change. It seeks out startups that not only have high-growth potential but also drive significant social or environmental benefits. Recognising the intersection between profitability and purpose has guided its investment strategy.

Key Individuals

Ascension Impact Fund is steered by noteworthy figures such as Jean de Fougerolles and Emma Steele. Jean de Fougerolles is an entrepreneur with a track record in nurturing seed startups within the UK since 2015. His vision for the fund embraces both financial returns and societal gain. Emma Steele, bringing in her experience as a former banker and impact consultant, complements this vision with her industry insights and commitment to sustainable investing.

Function of the Ascension Impact Fund

The Ascension Impact Fund is specifically tailored to support early-stage tech and impact ventures. It focuses on fuelling businesses with the potential to address crucial societal challenges through innovative solutions.

Investment Strategy

The Fund’s investment strategy is centred on identifying and nurturing the next wave of tech and impact founders. It is an active participant in the startup ecosystem, deploying capital in ventures that demonstrate both strong growth potential and a commitment to delivering positive societal change.

Sectors and Projects

Ascension Impact Fund directs its resources across various sectors and projects. It prioritises businesses that leverage technology to create more resilient societies. Specifically, it invests in companies that are addressing the cost of living crisis, among other societal challenges.

Impact Measurement

Impact measurement is a fundamental aspect of the Fund’s operation. The Fund employs a clear framework that assesses an investment’s impact through five key dimensions: what, who, how much, contribution, and risk. This rigorous approach ensures that investments are not only financially viable but also generate measurable social returns.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section provides insight into the operational frameworks and performance metrics employed by impact funds, exemplified by the strategies of Ascension Investment Management and comparable firms.

What criteria do impact funds typically utilise to assess potential investments?

Impact funds generally assess potential investments based on their expected social or environmental outcomes alongside financial returns. They often seek to invest in companies that demonstrate scalable solutions to societal challenges.

What has been the historical performance of Ascension Ventures compared to other seed investment companies?

Ascension Ventures is known to focus on the early-stage tech and impact startups with a track record of supporting the next generation of founders. Their performance emphasises long-term value creation over immediate returns.

Can you outline the investment philosophy of Ascension Investment Management?

Ascension Investment Management prioritises investments that blend technological innovation with meaningful impact on society. Their philosophy centres around fostering sustainable businesses with the potential to make a significant difference in their sectors.

How does the Fair By Design fund approach social impact investing?

Fair By Design, a fund operating within Ascension Investment Management, targets ventures that aim to eliminate the poverty premium where low-income households pay more for essential services. They invest in ventures that offer fairer pricing structures.

What are the typical scales of investment for firms such as Triple Point Ventures and Octopus Ventures?

Firms like Triple Point Ventures and Octopus Ventures typically deal with a range of investment sizes, often starting from the lower end of hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of pounds, depending on the stage and needs of the businesses they back.

What are the expected financial returns and social outcomes when investing in impact funds?

Investors in impact funds such as those managed by Ascension expect to support sustainable ventures with the potential for both financial returns and positive societal change. The balance of these returns can vary based on the specific fund’s focus areas.

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