Bingtang Top Private Equity Firms Asia Asian Private Equity Firms in Asia

Bintang Capital Partners: A Malaysian Based SE Asia Growth Investor

Bintang Capital Partners: Leading Investment Insights in Southeast Asia

Bintang Capital Partners is a distinguished private equity firm focused on funding innovative companies with significant social and environmental implications in Southeast Asia.

With a unique mission to align profitability with purpose, the firm has carved a niche for itself within the private equity landscape.

By investing in businesses that drive positive change, Bintang Capital Partners is setting a precedent for responsible investment practices that aim to offer both substantial financial returns and create value beyond economics.

The company takes pride in being registered with the Securities Commission of Malaysia, which underscores its credibility and dedication to adherence to regulatory standards.

Their commitment to ethical investments is further reinforced by their alignment with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, which guides their investment decisions with a focus on responsible capitalism.

This strategy not only supports the achievement of sustainable goals but also unlocks potential for long-term financial growth for their stakeholders.

Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Bintang Capital Partners operates with a philosophy that ‘Values Create Value’. This mantra drives their approach to building legacy through humanity and innovation, aiming to generate robust returns.

Their reputation as an award-winning firm in the Southeast Asian impact-focused private equity space is a testament to their success in weaving profitability with positive impact, all whilst maintaining a steadfast dedication to corporate social responsibility.

Overview of Bintang Capital Partners

Bintang Capital Partners operates as a noteworthy private equity entity, with a clear mandate to foster impact and innovation in investment domains.

Based in Malaysia, this firm prides itself on adherence to global standards of responsible investment.

  • Founding Year: 2018
  • Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Focus Areas: Consumer Electronics, Technology, Cloud Security, Energy, etc.

They are recognised as a Certified B Corporation, distinguishing them as leaders who meet higher standards of social and environmental performance.

Their commitment extends to being signatories of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment and the Impact Principles.

With their eye on Southeast Asia’s burgeoning markets, they channel investments predominantly into Information Technology, Software, Mobile, E-commerce, and other innovative sectors. Their strategic investments reflect a fusion of local insight and regional know-how, positioning them as a facilitator of growth for potential high-impact enterprises within this dynamic region.

Bintang Capital Partners is not just an investor but also aims to be a trusted advisor, offering a wealth of knowledge, resources, and networks to their investee companies.

They operate with the vision to steer these companies towards realising their full potential, thus generating sustainable returns for all stakeholders involved.

History of the Firm

Bintang Capital Partners has established itself as a significant entity in Southeast Asian private equity, marking notable achievements and a commitment to responsible investment practices.

Foundation and Origins

Bintang Capital Partners began as an ambitious private equity firm in Malaysia with a vision to invest in innovative businesses across Southeast Asia.

Their approach from the onset was to partner with visionary entrepreneurs and support the growth of their ventures to achieve global market relevance.

Key Milestones

  • 2020: Secured the Penjana Kapital mandate from the Ministry of Finance, Malaysia, acknowledging the firm’s potential in fostering economic growth.
  • First B Corp Certification: In May 2023, the firm distinguished itself by becoming the first B Corp Certified private equity firm in Southeast Asian history, underscoring its dedication to balancing profit and purpose.
  • UN Principles for Responsible Investment: It proudly became a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, enhancing its commitment to ethical and environmentally sustainable practices.
  • By 2050: Aims to build 150 B Corp certified portfolio companies, demonstrating a long-term vision for impact investing.

Investment Strategy

Bintang Capital Partners operates with a clear and focused investment strategy, which hinges on sustainable growth and generating positive social and environmental outcomes.

Investment Focus

Bintang Capital Partners directs its investments primarily towards companies that demonstrate the potential for substantial impact in their respective industries.

Their goal is creating a portfolio of 150 B Corp certified companies by 2050, signifying a commitment to rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

Portfolio Management

The firm takes an active role in managing its portfolio, leveraging a hands-on approach to foster growth and drive performance improvements.

Through consistent monitoring and engagement, they maintain an emphasis on scaling the businesses in their portfolio responsibly and sustainably.

Risk Management

Effective risk management is integral to Bintang Capital Partners’ approach.

They conduct thorough due diligence on each potential investment, considering both the financial metrics and the broader environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors to mitigate risks and enhance the resilience of their investments.

Products and Services

Bintang Capital Partners offers specialised services in the realm of private equity.

They identify and invest in high-potential private companies, focusing primarily on businesses that have a proven track record of growth. Their investment approach integrates the pursuit of both financial returns and positive social and environmental impact.

Services provided by Bintang Capital Partners typically extend to:

  • Investment in Growth Capital: They provide funding to companies looking to expand operations, enter new markets, or enhance their product offerings.
  • Support and Advancement: Post-investment, Bintang offers strategic support to portfolio companies, aiding in their operational and financial development.

Their commitment to responsible investment is formalised through their signatory status to international frameworks such as the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).

This reflects their dedication towards aligning investments with globally recognised standards for ethical and social accountability.

Through their private equity arm, AHAM Asset Management Berhad, they also offer private equity deals that are structured with a focus on innovation and impact. Bintang Capital Partners Berhad specifically seeks to deploy capital to support growing enterprises that contribute positively to society and the environment.

Their recognition as a Certified B Corporation, as listed on B Lab’s official site, further distinguishes them as a firm that meets high standards of public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.

Leadership and Team

Bintang Capital Partners prides itself on a leadership team that champions innovation and responsible investing. Its diverse executive leadership, advisory board, and investment team work synergistically towards building sustainable value.

Executive Leadership

The executive leadership at Bintang Capital Partners is recognised for steering the firm through a commitment to impact-led private equity strategies.

They uphold a vision that integrates performance with sustainable practices, setting a precedent in the industry for future-focused investments.

Advisory Board

Bintang Capital Partners benefits from an advisory board comprising seasoned professionals.

Their collective expertise in international finance and corporate governance significantly contributes to the firm’s strategic planning and global best practice adherence.

Investment Team

At the core of Bintang Capital Partners’ operation, the investment team possesses a strong alignment with the firm’s mission to drive impact and innovation.

They are instrumental in identifying untapped opportunities across Southeast Asia, bringing to the table a blend of expertise and localised insight.

Performance and Achievements

Bintang Capital Partners has established a solid track record, marked by strategic investments and recognition for its innovative approach.

Their portfolio showcases a keen focus on transformative opportunities that align with their sustainable and impact-driven investment philosophy.

Notable Investments

  • Oneberry: In 2019, Bintang invested in Oneberry Technologies, an innovative security and automation company. This move signalled the firm’s commitment to backing companies with the potential for significant technology-driven growth.
  • iHandal: The firm led an investment into iHandal Energy Solutions, a provider of sustainable thermal energy systems in Southeast Asia, highlighting Bintang’s focus on sustainable and impactful investments.

Performance Metrics

  • Awards and Recognition: Bintang was the recipient of the Innovative Investment Award at the ASEAN Business Awards 2023, underscoring the firm’s excellence in supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
  • Certifications: The firm has been certified as a B Corporation, becoming the first private equity firm in Southeast Asia to achieve such status, reflecting its dedication to high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

Client Base and Partnerships

Bintang Capital Partners has established itself with a diverse clientele and robust partnerships that underscore its commitment to responsible investing and impactful business practices within Southeast Asia.


Bintang Capital Partners caters to investors who prioritise both financial performance and social impact.

As a certified B Corporation, it attracts a clientele that values high standards of social and environmental impact, a claim supported by its involvement in the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network.

Strategic Partners

The firm’s commitment to United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) signifies its partnerships are strategically aligned with global sustainability goals.

These partnerships extend to multiple sectors, including technology and energy, as suggested by their focus areas such as consumer electronics and cloud security.

Regulatory Compliance and Legal Affairs

Bintang Capital Partners is recognised for its adherence to stringent regulatory standards and its commitment to legal affairs.

As a Private Equity Management Company, it operates under the governance of the Securities Commission of Malaysia, ensuring that all financial activities comply with the nation’s legislative requirements.

Compliance is further reinforced by the firm’s allegiance to international guidelines, as evidenced by its status as a signatory to the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and the Operating Principles for Impact Management. Such commitments demonstrate Bintang Capital Partners’ dedication to sustainable investing and ethical business practices.

The legal framework of Bintang Capital Partners is robust, underpinning all operations from fundraising to portfolio management.

The in-house legal team works in concert with the executive leadership, including the Head of Operations and Finance, to maintain high standards of corporate governance and legal integrity across their business ventures.

Moreover, the firm’s alignment with the B Corp certification underscores its pursuit of not just profit, but also of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.

This achievement positions Bintang Capital Partners as a pioneer in the Southeast Asian private equity landscape, integrating legal responsibilities seamlessly with corporate strategy.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Bintang Capital Partners has embedded corporate social responsibility into its core business strategy, distinguishing itself as a Certified B Corporation and a leading member of the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN).

Community Engagement

They actively engage with the community by aspiring to develop a robust network of socially responsible businesses.

Their aim to create at least 150 new B Corps within their portfolio by 2050 underscores their commitment to fostering community growth and ethical business practices. This ambition was highlighted by the Johan Rozali-Wathooth’s statement to The Star.

Sustainable Practices

Bintang Capital Partners takes a meticulous approach to sustainability, aligning their investment strategies with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.

As the first Southeast Asian private equity firm to achieve B Corp certification, they solidify their dedication to generating positive social and environmental outcomes through responsible capitalism. T

hey also signed up to the Impact Principles in 2022, demonstrating their ongoing commitment to sustainable practices, as noted on their profile on AVPN’s website.

Media and Public Relations

Bintang Capital Partners maintains a proactive approach to media and public relations, ensuring clear communication and fostering positive media coverage.

They place significant emphasis on transparency and engage with both stakeholders and the public through various channels.

Press Releases

Bintang Capital Partners regularly issues press releases to share timely information regarding their investments, initiatives, and corporate milestones.

Access to these releases provides insightful data to investors, clients, and industry analysts. For example, the entity communicates its commitment to impact and innovation investments through meticulously crafted announcements that reach its audience effectively.

Media Coverage

The firm also receives notable media coverage due to its activities and achievements.

This media presence not only highlights Bintang Capital Partners’ strategic moves within the investment landscape but also underscores its role in fostering sustainable value creation. Coverage spans across various platforms, emphasising Bintang Capital Partners’ influence in the industry.

Contact Information

Bintang Capital Partners is accessible for inquiries and further information through various communication channels. Their corporate office is strategically situated in the vibrant city of Kuala Lumpur.

For those preferring to make contact via telephone, they can be reached at:

  • Phone: +603-2113 6996

Postal correspondence and face-to-face appointments can be arranged at their physical address:

  • Address: 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Additionally, Bintang Capital Partners extends an invitation to connect electronically, providing an email contact for direct communication:

Those interested in gaining a deeper insight into the company’s philosophy, recent updates, and professional network may visit their LinkedIn profile.

Professionals, investors, and other interested parties are encouraged to reach out to Bintang Capital Partners using the contact information provided.

The firm prides itself on its approachability and looks forward to engaging with stakeholders across the globe.


Bintang Capital Partners is a private equity firm based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with a focus on investing in Southeast Asia.

The firm’s investment strategy is centered around creating positive social and environmental impact, alongside generating financial returns. Bintang Capital Partners believes that a responsible approach towards capitalism will yield superior investment returns as well as better social and environmental outcomes.

The firm has won both regional and global awards for its pioneering work in defining the impact investment space in Southeast Asia. Bintang Capital Partners is registered with the Securities Commission of Malaysia and is the private equity arm of Affin Hwang Asset Management.

The firm is committed to investing in companies that create sustainable value for all stakeholders, including investors, employees, customers, and the wider community.

Bintang Capital Partners’ investment strategy and impact are aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

The firm’s focus on creating positive social and environmental impact, alongside generating financial returns, sets it apart from traditional private equity firms. Bintang Capital Partners’ approach to investing has attracted interest from investors who are looking for investment opportunities that align with their values and beliefs.

Key Takeaways

  • Bintang Capital Partners is a private equity firm based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with a focus on investing in Southeast Asia.
  • The firm’s investment strategy is centered around creating positive social and environmental impact, alongside generating financial returns.
  • Bintang Capital Partners’ investment strategy and impact are aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Investment Strategy and Impact

Investment Approach

Bintang Capital Partners is an impact-focused private equity firm that invests in innovative businesses in Southeast Asia. The firm’s mission is to generate positive impact on the environment and community while delivering risk-adjusted returns to its investors. Bintang Capital Partners invests in companies that are aligned with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment and the Operating Principles for Impact Management.

The firm’s investment strategy is to identify unique investment opportunities in the region and partner with visionary entrepreneurs to build global champions. Bintang Capital Partners invests across various stages of a company’s life cycle, from venture capital to buyout, and provides support to its investees in deal-making, marketing, and skillsets.

Impact on Environment and Community

Bintang Capital Partners is committed to creating social and environmental impact through its investments. The firm’s portfolio companies are selected based on their potential to generate positive impact on people, planet, and purpose. Bintang Capital Partners is a certified B Corporation and has a B Corp certification for its commitment to governance, employees, community, and environment.

The firm’s investments have contributed to the growth of innovative businesses in the region, such as Care Concierge, Bitsmedia, and WatchBox. These companies have created jobs, improved access to healthcare and education, and reduced waste and carbon emissions. Bintang Capital Partners also supports its investees in obtaining B Corp certification and implementing sustainable practices.

Bintang Capital Partners’ impact-focused approach has attracted investors who are looking for both financial returns and social impact. The firm has received recognition from industry leaders, such as the Innovative Investment Award at the ASEAN Business Awards 2023. Bintang Capital Partners’ commitment to impact investing has also earned the firm a place among the signatories of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.

In summary, Bintang Capital Partners is an impact-focused private equity firm that invests in innovative businesses in Southeast Asia. The firm’s investment approach is to identify unique investment opportunities and partner with visionary entrepreneurs to build global champions. Bintang Capital Partners’ investments generate positive impact on people, planet, and purpose, and contribute to the growth of sustainable and innovative businesses in the region.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fund size of Bintang Capital Partners?

As of 2023, Bintang Capital Partners has not publicly disclosed its fund size. However, in 2020, the firm secured the Penjana Kapital mandate, which is a government-led fund with a total allocation of RM 1.2 billion for private equity investments in Malaysia.

What are some of the portfolio companies of Bintang Capital Partners?

Bintang Capital Partners has invested in a diverse range of companies across Southeast Asia. Some of its portfolio companies include Oneberry, iHandal, and Bitsmedia. Oneberry is a Singapore-based provider of integrated security solutions, while iHandal is a Malaysia-based engineering solutions provider. Bitsmedia is the creator of Muslim Pro, a popular Islamic mobile application.

Who is Johan Rozali-Wathooth and what is their role at Bintang Capital Partners?

Johan Rozali-Wathooth is a Managing Partner at Bintang Capital Partners. He has over 20 years of experience in private equity and investment banking, having worked at various firms such as Khazanah Nasional and UBS. At Bintang Capital Partners, he is responsible for overseeing the firm’s investment activities and portfolio management.

What are the career opportunities at Bintang Capital Partners?

Bintang Capital Partners offers various career opportunities in private equity and related fields. The firm is committed to diversity and inclusion, and encourages individuals with different backgrounds and experiences to apply. Interested candidates can visit the firm’s website for more information on available positions.

Who is the largest private equity firm in Malaysia?

As of 2023, the largest private equity firm in Malaysia is believed to be Navis Capital Partners. The firm was founded in 1998 and has invested in over 80 companies across Asia. Its portfolio includes companies in various sectors such as healthcare, education, and consumer goods.

What is the role of partners’ capital in private equity investments?

Partners’ capital is a term used to refer to the money invested by the partners of a private equity firm. This capital is typically used to make investments in portfolio companies, alongside capital from limited partners such as pension funds and endowments. Partners’ capital is also used to cover the operating expenses of the private equity firm, such as salaries and office rent.

Top Private Equity Firms Asia

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The firm has invested in over 20 companies, including:

  • Blue Planet Environmental Solutions: A leading integrated waste management company in Southeast Asia.
  • Ecosmob: A technology company that provides environmental monitoring and management solutions.
  • Green Circle Eco-Solutions: A company that provides sustainable packaging solutions.
  • Innovex Global: A company that provides environmental engineering solutions.
  • OcularMax: A company that provides eye care solutions.

Private equity firms in Malaysia

Bintang Capital Partners has been recognized for its success, winning numerous awards, including:

  • Private Equity Firm of the Year (Southeast Asia): Private Equity International Awards (2019)
  • Best Private Equity Firm in Malaysia: The Edge Malaysia (2020)
  • Best Private Equity Firm in Indonesia: Forbes Indonesia (2021)

Bintang Capital Partners is a trusted advisor to entrepreneurs and investors alike.

The firm has a long history of successful investments and is committed to helping its portfolio companies achieve their full potential.Here are some of the key reasons why Bintang Capital Partners is a leading private equity firm in Southeast Asia:

  • The firm has a strong track record of success, with over 20 investments in the region.
  • The firm’s team has a deep understanding of the Southeast Asian market and its opportunities.
  • The firm is committed to investing in sustainable businesses that are making a positive impact on the region.
  • The firm has a strong network of contacts in the region, which helps it to source and evaluate investment opportunities.
  • The firm is a trusted advisor to entrepreneurs and investors alike.
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