Private Equity News UK Octopus

Octopus Get Their Tentacles Into A New Pre-Seed Deeptech Fund

Private Equity News UK – Octopus Investments Launches Pre-Seed Deeptech Fund

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Octopus Investments, a leading European venture capital firm, has launched a new pre-seed deeptech fund. The fund, which is called Octopus Deeptech, will invest in early-stage startups that are developing deeptech solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems.

Octopus Deeptech is targeting a total fund size of £10 million. The fund will invest in startups across a wide range of deeptech sectors, including artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, and medical technology.

Octopus Deeptech will be managed by a team of experienced venture capitalists with a track record of investing in early-stage deeptech startups. The team is led by Kirsten Connell, who is a former partner at Seedcamp.

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“We are excited to launch Octopus Deeptech,” said Connell. “We believe that there is a huge opportunity to invest in early-stage deeptech startups that have the potential to make a real impact on the world.”

Connell added that Octopus Deeptech will focus on investing in startups that have a strong team, a clear vision, and a product that has the potential to disrupt an existing market.

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“We are looking for startups that are solving real problems with innovative technology,” said Connell. “We want to be the first investor in these companies and help them to scale and achieve their full potential.”

Octopus Deeptech is the latest in a series of pre-seed deeptech funds that have been launched in recent years. These funds are a sign of the growing interest in early-stage deeptech investing. The deeptech sector is seen as a key driver of economic growth and innovation in the years to come.

The launch of Octopus Deeptech is a vote of confidence in the European deeptech ecosystem. The fund’s focus on early-stage startups is a sign that investors are looking for the next generation of deeptech unicorns

About Octopus

Octopus Investments is a leading European investment firm with over £40 billion in assets under management. The firm has a diversified investment portfolio, which includes a range of asset classes, such as private equity, venture capital, infrastructure, and real estate.

Octopus Investments Outward Investment Strategy

Octopus Investments’ investment strategy is focused on three key areas:

  • Impact investing: Octopus Investments is committed to investing in companies that are making a positive impact on the world. The firm’s impact investing portfolio includes companies that are working to address a range of social and environmental challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality.
  • Sustainable investing: Octopus Investments is also committed to investing in sustainable companies. The firm’s sustainable investing portfolio includes companies that are working to reduce their environmental impact and improve their social performance.
  • Digital investing: Octopus Investments is a leading investor in digital technologies. The firm’s digital investing portfolio includes companies that are developing innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and blockchain.

Octopus Investments’ investment strategy is guided by a set of four core principles:

  • Focus on long-term value creation: Octopus Investments believes that the best investments are those that create long-term value for their investors. The firm’s investment team looks for companies with strong growth prospects and sustainable business models.
  • Diversification: Octopus Investments believes that diversification is essential to reducing risk. The firm’s investment portfolio includes a range of asset classes and companies across different geographies and industries.
  • Active management: Octopus Investments believes that active management is essential to achieving superior investment returns. The firm’s investment team has a deep understanding of the companies in its portfolio and is constantly monitoring their performance.
  • Transparency: Octopus Investments believes that transparency is essential to building trust with its investors. The firm provides regular updates on its investment performance and publishes a detailed annual report.

Octopus Investments’ investment strategy has been successful in delivering attractive investment returns for its investors. The firm has a long track record of outperforming its peers and has been recognized as one of the leading investment firms in Europe.

Here are some specific examples of Octopus Investments’ investment strategy in action:

  • In 2018, Octopus Investments invested in Bulb, an energy supplier that uses technology to provide customers with cheaper and more sustainable energy. Bulb has since grown rapidly and now has over 1 million customers.
  • In 2019, Octopus Investments invested in Tractable, a medical technology company that uses artificial intelligence to diagnose diseases. Tractable has since raised over $100 million in funding and is now used by hospitals and clinics around the world.
  • In 2020, Octopus Investments invested in Octopus Deploy, a software company that helps businesses deploy and manage their software applications. Octopus Deploy has since grown to over 10,000 customers and is now one of the leading software deployment platforms in the world.

These are just a few examples of Octopus Investments’ investment strategy in action. The firm’s focus on impact investing, sustainable investing, and digital investing has helped it to deliver attractive investment returns for its investors.

Private Equity News

Original Image Credit Pla B

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